Take a Pill
All the weeds keep growing in your bed,
And that fly’s buzzing around your head,
And you keep forgetting what you said.
You can now take a pill.
Your mom keeps telling you what to do,
And your dad gives his two cents worth too,
And your children don’t listen to you.
You can now take a pill.
Those new light bulbs barely last a week,
And that spot in the floor always creaks,
And the faucet continues to leak.
You can now take a pill.
Seems your car always needs a new part,
And the doors all attract shopping carts,
And the old engine will never start.
You can now take a pill.
Your cat claws your brand-new leather chair,
And your dog clogs your vacuum with hair,
And all of your pets pee on the stairs,
You can now take a pill.
Your boss says you always come in late,
And says your results are not so great,
And tells you you’re not pulling your weight,
You can now take a pill.
On the way home you are low on gas,
And the car ahead won’t let you pass,
And the cop says you’re driving too fast.
You can now take a pill.
A man holds up a store with a gun,
And kids spray paint building walls and run,
And teenagers kick winos for fun.
You can now take a pill.
Addicts leave their needles all around,
And the homeless excrete on the ground,
And thieves steal from the lost and found.
You can now take a pill.
Hypocrites tell us all not to sin,
And athletes take drugs so they can win,
And bigots march against colored skin.
You can now take a pill.
The president is a steaming heap,
And the Congress can’t a promise keep,
And the public votes them in like sheep.
You can now take a pill.
Husbands are all cheating on their wives,
And all children tell their parents lies,
And grandparents waste away their lives.
You can now take a pill.
The old war machine is in full swing.
And those fine young men sign up to bring
Mayhem and horror, let freedom ring.
You can now take a pill.
A small child of six is killed one day,
And a mother is killed the same way,
And father swear they will make us pay.
You can now take a pill.
Hatred as deep as the day is long.
And the weak bite ankles of the strong,
And the strong say we all have them wrong.
You can now take a pill.
Meanwhile the rich stomp on the poor,
And the poor hold up markets and stores,
And our streets are lined with working whores.
You can now take a pill.
The middle-class whines about prices,
And businessmen try to entice us,
And the news calls it all a crisis,
You can now take a pill.
It’s like there is no end to it all,
And there is no bottom to the fall,
And above our heads, the endless pall.
You can now take a pill.
And when pills are coming out your ears,
For longings, anxieties, and fears,
And none of them do anything near
What you need them to do,
There will be pills for all those things too,
So, don’t ever feel sad or blue.
The good doctor will take care of you.
Just take another pill.
For more short pieces by Mark, click here
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